is "Dub Culture"? DUB is a style
of remixing reggae, where the drum and the
bass play the head role and a track is
mystically transformed to what seems like a
movie in sound. Lots of effects are added,
while instruments are being dropped in and
out of the mix. This will create many
different atmospheres in just one track!
Dub, when mixed right, can change a track so
much that you can hardly recognize it from
it's original.
The culture surrounding this great music
called DUB is ofcourse closely connected to
Reggae Music. For it is from Reggae Music,
that Dub has come into existance, and until
today, DUB Techniques can only fully come to
it's purpose when utilized on a Reggae
And there are a great deal of Reggae
Rhythms, in which every self-respecting Dub
Producer finds a challenge to make an own
interpretation of. This track also uses a
well known Reggae Rhythm as foundation.
A very full dub with many changes of
atmosphere. The bass and Drum are your guide
in this journey into DUB Culture. They find
their way through the massive amount of
different effects and instruments. Sit back,
turn on your Hi-Fi and enjoy the ride.