rhythm is a very up-tempo reggae tune with a
very heavy bass playing a monotone line.
Main inspiration for the track is a book
called "Nephilim" by L.A. Marzuli.
In the Background you can hear police radio
discussing "confirmed UFO
"Nephilim" is a hebrew word
that was wrongly translated as
"Giants" in the King James
Version. According to the Ethiopian Book of
Enoch, the nephilim were the offspring of
fallen angels an daughters of men. You can
also read many ancient books about this
subject. The nephilim first came to earth in
the time before the Great Flood and they
will be back in the last days, Today, many
of these fallen angels present themselves as
beings of another planets...
book, as said, formed the main inspiration
for this track. It's a thriller, the first
in a sequence of books. The writer combines
the UFO phenomena with the ancient texts of
the Bible in a very plausible and also
entertaining way. And although there's a lot
of fiction, otherwise it wouldn't be a
novel, with a littlle discernment you can
learn a lot by simply reading it.