your volume up and your subwoofer on because
this one goes straight to babylon head as I
would tell you! Full original lyrics and
vocals by HEARTICAL and intense Dub Mixing
from the top to the very last drop.
Righteous Militant Style fe true!
Heartical writes and sings his own lyrics
and songs. For this track, he gave the
chords and some directions for the original
rhythm to Messian Dread and sang the lyrics
in the Dubroom.
LYRICS: So Much Sufferation Ina This Time
While Nations Fight Nations The People Dem
Dying I Tell You They Ain't Got No Food To
Eat No Place To Go No Place To Even Sleep
I Tell You It's A Hell Ina Babylon Just
Look And See
Where Does The Money Go, Babylon Where
Does The Money Go
While They Blow Their Resources And
Ammunition To Prepare For Their Ammagideon
The Leaders On Nations Design Economies
To Buy More Ammunition For Death And
Destruction And They Call It Protection And
The Call It Liberation
When All The People Need Is Just Some
Food To Eat A Place To Sleep And To Love One
Another And To Live In Peace
We Don't Need - Your Technology Of
Destruction We Don't Need - Your Lies And
Confusion We Don't Need - Your New World
Illusion We Don't Need - Your Babylon
(C) 2004 by HEARTICAL
MESSIAN DREAD another long awaited well
season track..
the lyrics is full not only in the wise
arrow head words but full too in the mix
down and the way you got it inna tight
rolling delay, pitch and revs, at 4:50 love
the spring verb (or simular) and there after
the backing track is fully tight with
propa pan stereo full effect drums. this
package to me has Kinetic Energy from start
to finnish is continuously driving at you
with avalanching power
M.D give thanks and praise
5 ponits One Love KH
Posted: Jan 15 2004
MD coming forward inna HARD stepping
style! Tuff, tuff ridddim and conscious
lyrics of course.
I would like to hear another mix of this
with the vocals a little more forward in the
mix and "straighter" , that is,
not effected so much, just for the sake of
clarity of the message. But no argments with
this one!
Posted: Jan 16 2004
very nice tune, 4.5/5 heel goed, man!
Posted: Jan 16 2004
Fayaaaaaaaaaaaa!!This steppa and this
bass make me jump higher and higher. We seem
to have the same influences...massive sound.
Posted: Jan 16 2004
yes, very niCe works again from one of
the Dub Masters of Modern TIme..Big ResPect,
very tight production, Blessed Sound 5/5
Posted: Jan 16 2004
Yeah!, OK folks, wide massive track here,
i agree with TD about the voice..My point is
that it's still an amazing track with only
TWO notes in the bassline?? Crucial!
Posted: Jan 17 2004
Nice driving pulsing steppa rhythm!
There's lots of energy and pace in this
track - a lot of stuff going on. Is the bass
here a real one or a Reason module type
thing? I notice the bass you use in these
latest Reason tracks sounds quite unusual.
Do you still have much analogue input into
your tracks? You and this Heartical man, and
the other guy on the Area 51 track, should
get together with the rest of Jah Roots and
produce a showcase album with lots of tight
roots and dub.
Posted: Jan 19 2004
As always, wicked sound.. but you have
totaly ruined the vocals.. whats up?
Posted: Jan 19 2004
just beautyfull
Posted: Jan 24 2004
Greetings! Give thanks for the massive
response. The first one was allready there
before I updated The Dubroom Website, so
that was within the hour! Big up's to
VERSIONIST for hosting a so active online
DUB community.
TALENTSREPLY: Thanks for the quicker than
quick reply. That you are so positive makes
motivates me enormous!
TALKINGDOG: Thanks for the feedback! Are
you saying that you can not understand the
lyrics with this kind of mixing over the
voice? I have indeed made the vocals very
"effective", so to speak :). But
the full lyrics should be understandable, I
have tried to achieve that. Sorry that I
seem to have failed in that.
DUBHAN, hartstikke bedankt voor de
reactie. Het maakt me blijer dan blij!
GARY, thanks for the response! listened
to your tune, yes we're both trying to get
some electronica involved. Nuff Respekt :)
GANJAFYAH, your words make me *b*l*u*s*h*
fe real and I hope that you will con tinue
to like the stuff I put out.
JOHNNYREDLOCKS, respekt to one of the
Frysian Dubbers out deh! Actually, the
bassline has three tones but yes, this is
the power of Roots too! If you read this,
could you please contact me one of these
days? There is something we need to discuss
GUSTHECELT, cool that you like the
rhythm! Indeed, it's kind of intense.
Somertimes there are 5 layers of effects
over eachother. Quite a challenge to make it
that way without getting too much of a
chaotic mess such as unfortunatley perceived
by some concerning the vocals. Let me try to
answer your questions. The bass is a synth
bass. Not a real bassguitar. The bass sounds
unusual perhaps because I sometimes apply
some layers of effects on the bass. Some
filters and reverb and even delay. Inspired
by Scientist, Mad Professor and some
electronic stuff I occasionaly engage.
There's some analogue stuff that I use, but
actuaslly not really less then I did before.
I am however trying to get a more electronic
sound on purpose. I should tell you that not
all people I work with are members of JAH
Roots. And yeah, we should make an album.
EEKAMOUSE (?)(?)(?), thanks for the note,
and perhaps I should at this place explain
something about my intentions with the
vocals. They're not mine, but they are
recorded here in the Dubroom. The vocals are
mixed heavily. Not just a little reverb and
delay, but FAT FXing. So in that respect I
"treated" the vocals just like the
rest of the instruments? The rest? Yes,
sound-wise. Not lyric-wise, though. I made
an attempt to dub the vocals and still get
the complete lyrics across. I did freak
around with parts of the voice too, make it
appear on other places in the mix, sometimes
layered over each other, to emphasize
certain parts of the text. So this is
actually a DUB tune with full lyrics. That's
why it's so long. It's not just the vocals
singing over a dub tune, but the vocals are
"integrated" in the mix itself.
I'm sorry that you find I "ruined"
the vocals. Fortunately Heartical doesn't
agree with that himself :)
CALOGERO, give thanks very much for the
nice remark!
Posted: Jan 24 2004
Messian Dread, top notch stuff! ill be
helping to spread the good vibes by playin
this song at reggae/dub nights in glasgow.
nice one for making this a free distribution
song! music should not be another commodity
that is kept for the rich like so much other
stuff in this world man! this one has a
message that hits home and is going to get
noticed when it gets played!!
i would love to make this tune available
for download on the glasgowdubclub.com
website that is being launched next month.
full credit and raving review for the
artist and also a big mention to versionist
would go with it!
spread the peace love and unity!
keep makin em songs of freedom!
Glasgow Dub Club
Posted: Feb 15 2004
Of course this is very nice dub But cause
the Messian Dread benchmark should be high
;-) ... a little bit criticsm here from my
In my opinion the whole mix is too much
washed out by using the effectsection in a
very extreme way. In result you are having a
loss of attack in the riddim. People could
feel like sitting ina echochamber - not
getting the riddimstick, feeling and message
from this song.
Posted: Feb 15 2004
style a style and style a many, long time
de man dub it up in many way and all way
dubby so nice to hear de tune full a lyrics
,true de effect used de pon de voice, mek
voice hard fe understand, so still U might
overstand it but some might not, but simple
fe change - mek new mix thats de good ina
mixin Desk and Tracks and a Dubroom -
Posted: Mar 14 2004
Yes King, Big up yourself, Wicked tune!!
I agree with what some people seem to think
though.. about it might be good to do two
mixes of this one (more dubby version &
other with cleaner vocal) 5/5 though
Posted: Mar 17 2004
Damn, Messian your shit is the HOTTEST!
Keep it hot man! Peace! 5/5
Posted: Apr 19 2004
Im a long time listener of Messian, and
your music improves and grows with time. It
is a pleasure to know your still making
excellent music!
Posted: Apr 25 2004