is the 13th track of my NET ALBUM
"Apocalypse Then".
In ancient times, when giants or nephilim
ruled mankind with an iron fist, it turned
out that the "divine rulers" had
no peace at all. Even among themselves, they
were fighting over more power and so on.
When they battled, earth literally shook.
That formed the inspiration for this
title. Not to say that the vibes in the tune
are as dreadfull and terrible as a true
Battle Of The Giants, but nevertheless...
Here it comes.
A track full of energy, both in the music
as well as the mixing. The few points of
rest only increase the tension. The bassline
is rather monotonic most of the time, the
drums play an up-tempo Steppers. Loads of
instruments around it enter and leave, all
soaked in layes of effects.