is the 4rd track of my NET ALBUM "Reasonings
in Dub". It's a Dub from a track
wherein I sing Psalm 23 straight out of the
"Some A Dem Read
In The Book Of Dead,
But I Man Read
In The Book Of Life"
It's a relatively low-tempo steppers
tune, with some complicated play on the
snaredrum. The bassline is rather simple, as
a contrast.
The mix starts with a fade-in where the
last line of Psalm 23 is sung repeatly, just
before the dubbed bassline and bassdrum
continue and slowly the other instruments
are added. And when they're all there, the
drums give a break, the horns start playing
a theme and gets soaked in effects right
away. A short line of toasting follows, and
some verses from Psalm 23 enter the mix.