is the 16th and last track of my NET ALBUM
"Reasonings in Dub".
Although the tune is mixed in Dub style,
it comes with full length lyrics as well.
Heavy chanting over my own -what I call
Hardcore Dub- style of rhythm, and even
authentic thunder and lightning samples,
conclude this second Net Album of the year
The lyrics are serious, prophecy must
fullfill and so this one is a warning to all
the iniquity workers who work iniquity
"Judgement Judgement
Come On The Land
Judgement Judgement
Come On The Land
None Of The People Overstand
Judgement Judgement On The Land
JAH JAH Judgement
Comming On The Land
JAH JAH Judgement
Comming On The Land
JAH JAH Judgement
Comming Pon Dem
JAH JAH Judgement
Comming Up Dem
All The Iniquity Workers
And All Those Who Do Iniquity Works
Shall Bun In Fire
JAH Fire
Because Dem So Full Of
Mysery and Destruction Pon Dem
And Thunder
And Lightning
And Brimstone
Judgement Upon Babylon
Yes, Judgement Pon Babylon
Judgement Comming, Yoh
For All The Iniquity Workers Down There
Who Work Iniquity Works
All Over The World
And Colonialism
And Every Ism And Skism
Bound To Fall
Bound To Fall
Bound To Fall
JAH Ah Go Come Yoh,
With Brimstone And Thunder And Lightning
And With His Many Many Saints
Comming With Him
And Babylon Fall
And the Wicked One Drop Down
Truth And Equality And Justice For All