for some meditation besides the still waters
with this relaxed One Drop riddim.
Looking for peace, looking for rest.
Trying to find it in these big buildings called
"house of the lord"?
No chance...
So, checking back to the Scriptures.
These are pointing out the Lord JAH Himself
to find rest.
The mix is long: almost 9 1/2 minutes.
It starts of with a vocal part, goes over in
DUB, back to vocals and ends with more Dub
mixing. The tempo is slow and the bass is
When I walk in the streets of my hometown
I wonder where the money come from
They are building big, big big buildings
And calling it a "House of the
But if I want inside
Them really got to check I out
And when I conform the give me no peace
And when I don't conform they give me no
We just long for some peace oh Jah
We just long for some rest oh Jah
We just ask for some peace oh Jah
We just long for some rest oh Jah
And when I read up in my Bible
Inna the book of life
I man read all the things
That Jah Jah say
He said I'll give you rest
If you put your trust in I
So we got to trust Jah
That's for you, and I and I and I
Jah Jah give us some rest this day
Jah Jah give us some blessings
Jah Jah He is the One I say
Yes Jah He is the One I say
So I don't deal with your shitstem
Of your denominations
You want to put to I and I
A spiritual slavery
Yes it is your system
Deception and trickery
So count me out
I'm no part of your mystery
Your mystery, Babylon, will fall
Your mystery, Babylon, will fail
I call on the Name of the Father
I call on the Name of the Son
I call on the Name of the Spirit
The Three-In-One
I know He guide I
Protect I along the way
Because I know Yesus Kristos
He is the Only Way
And I don't care what they say
In their system
And I don't care what they do
In their system
Cause it's bound to fall
Their system
Yes, bound to fall!
Their system