is the 3rd track of my Net Album Hardcore
DUB Sessions.
As the world moves closer towards a
global plantation, chip implantation of the
worldwide population is the next horrible
plan. But resisting is fertile, and the
resistance is versatile. So is this
heavyweight DUB track. It's a call not to
"Get Chipped ™".
This is the third in a line of seven
The tracks are all ultra-militant and each
next track is faster than the previous one.
The same riddims have been used in live
concerts with a four track, but these mixes
have all been well worked out in the Dubroom
Reviews By: MARKXZZZ (IP38SriwzOCDg)
Hi Messian,
this is one of the best tunes I did hear
from you. Very medidative track with
powerfull bassline. As mostly in your
tracks, the bassline sounds a little bit
monotone. But here its very right !
Posted: Jun 27 2004
I like this one. True message too! There
is a rapid push the enslavement of us all.
Step out out Babylon into a solid
relationship with Christ!
Posted: Jun 27 2004
great dub!! i like it, specialy the
bassline.. i see you keep yor sound &
slyle, thats good, but i think it gets
boring if you have in every track the same
chord sound, the same bass, seen. still 5*
track. the vibes are there!
Posted: Jun 27 2004
great message!
Posted: Jun 27 2004
well yes Bredren, go deh! Nice track, the
vocal samples are great and I really like
the effects on the drum parts. And all the
little sound effects.
Posted: Jun 27 2004
No, the bassline isn't driving attention
because of any complex composition. Yet,
it's simpleness that is hard to achieve and
the monotony is intended to be there. The
bassline gets you through the tune, and the
variation is in the using of effects and the
dropping in and out of the music. Yes, this
message is urgent. The chipping is allready
taking place. The vocal clips i used come
from an interview that Alex Jones (
held with the head of the Baja Beach Clubs,
whpo are starting to implant their so-called
V.I.P. members with this chip. As allways, I
use only authentic clips. The real thing.
That the same sounds are used for the chords
is because the tunes all come from a set I
designed to mix up live. So it's kind of a
concert. Only, when live I only use four
different tracks and two or three external
effects over my mixing board. For Live it's
nice, and it's nice to go to a concert where
someone makes dub live, but for studio
releases much more can be done. I have added
stuff for these studio releases, but choosed
to keep the original vibe in them as well.
Thanks for the comments, keep them coming,
and please put this track in your shared
directory for whatever p2p propgram you are
using. And if you want to know more about
this interview, there is a link to download
an mp3 file from it on the frontpage of the
dubroom (
Posted: Jul 01 2004
Nice foundational driving bassline! The
vocal clips are important so we get some dub
with a message. The openness of the track is
very cool and do like what you did with the
drumming on this one- maintaining a driving
beat while dubbing it up a bit and throwing
in a few nice fills. In the wicked times if
we sleepwalk it is to our own peril. Crucial
tune bredren- 5 stars.
Posted: Jul 03 2004
I've been listening to yourmusic for a
few weeks now and have yet to be
dissapointed.Another great piece of work
Posted: Jul 04 2004
I've been listening to yourmusic for a
few weeks now and have yet to be
dissapointed.Another great piece of work
Posted: Jul 04 2004