is the 5th track of my Net Album Hardcore
DUB Sessions.
This track shows the power of Dubwise: by
mixing instruments out, a different vibe
comes into existance, sometimes not even
close in resemblance to what us considered
the original. This is a hard stepper and
faster ones are even on the way!
Whats going on Messian dread? This is
without doubt one of the worst dub tunes
that ive heard in my life. If I would rate
it, id give it a 1 star, but since im a fan
of yours i wont.
peace out
Posted: Jul 01 2004
By: GARY (IP39proikFJA.)
I want to hear more tunes from your
hardcore dub sessions, steppa styleeeee !
Respect 5/5
Posted: Jul 01 2004
Yoh whats with that noise!? Its
scratching the nerves in my brain. And it
sounds like techno. Man bring back attack of
the freedom snatchers, and wolves this is
Posted: Jul 01 2004
By: PSALMS1SOUND (IPHap350hv4cg)
LOL.. calm down you lot, its not that
bad! ..& its still got 5 stars :-)
Posted: Jul 01 2004
Good to see you are doing something new
and creative with steppas messian....
forward ever, backward never after all. Keep
going man 5/5 Luke
Posted: Jul 01 2004
MD, i think the drum work on this song is
incredible personally, as well as the effect
works..forward ever backwards never 10/5
Posted: Jul 01 2004
nice shot ! but too long i think ;-) 5/5
Posted: Jul 01 2004
MESSIAN DREAD Dis track is good. its nice
to see that you are expanding your range.
this too will attract new fans, though other
hard core dubbers may not see the same
this track is not my sort of style but i
can appreciate the works in it
5 points One Love KH
Posted: Jul 01 2004
This totally fits in to the style of
things that I have been listening to of
late. It sounds like Aphex Twin with a Dub
Bassline. I like it because it is not the
same sound that I have come to expect. I
like this touch of variety. Don't worry
about the negative reviews on this. This is
well done, and it doesn't really matter if
it doesn't sound like some typical thing! 5
easy ones
Posted: Jul 01 2004
Irie Ites Dread.. To see King Messian is
trying some thing new is interesting and
stimulating for all of we who are doing
experimentation or who are trying to get a
personal and original style...This heavy
steppa is very well produced as usual and
shows MD great versatility and connaissance
of styles..5
Posted: Jul 02 2004
Interesting! More down the UK hard
digital line of Iration Steppa style than I
would come to expect from your works so far.
Works well on that basis.
Your other tracks posted here are good
too, naturally! But I can't keep up with
posting reviews on everything right now...
Posted: Jul 02 2004
Thank you all very much for the comments!
Keep them comming as I would say. It is
great to see that some discussion is coming
to the surface. So it is not unnoticed that
yes indeed I am trodding on some different
In fact, this is a work out of a style I
developed about ten years ago. But it had to
ripe. I want to bring in some different
vibes without leaving the path of the Reggae
Rhythm. The tunes are totally different then
the "avarage" Reggae, but when you
listen you can easily recognize the rhythm
is still reggae.
For example, in this tune I start the mix
with lots of bassdrum and hi-hat. I just mix
out the snaredrum part, and there you have
your "technofeel", especially when
combined with a synthesizer loop. It took me
a few years to come up with these synth
l;oops. It was very difficult to find it.
And it may sound simple, but that is what I
want to achieve. It's easy to sample some
impressive pads and put thim in the mix at
strategic places, but then I would not be
really doing a Dub thing. No, the
instruments have to be transformed with the
use of effects and the effects have to make
the sound of the tune. This is what I am
trying to achieve.
I am very happy with the critique as
well. Yes, it's a little "techno",
which is intended. But I am a bit confused,
because there was a referal to the
"Invasion Of The Freedom
Snatchers" tune. But in fact, this tune
is created with the same instruments,
technology and effects as the ones I'm
currently putting out. So I am very curious,
as to know what exactly is the difference
between this track and Freedom Snatchers? Is
it the music, the mixing?
Please enlighten me.
Thanks as well for the comments that show
appriciation and the liking of the music.
Please stay with me as I put on new tracks,
trying to get sound better.
This all doesn't mean that I won't be
putting out more rootsy material in the
future, but the HardCore Dub is currently
the thing.
Respect to all Dub Lovers And Artists On
Versionist and World Wide. Give Thanks And
Praises Unto JAH Continually.
Posted: Jul 02 2004
By: DUB FAN (IP/ky4stTpP7Y)
It really is different and yet familiar
in style and sound. New grounds, as said but
always in your own style. Raspect for making
it happen. 5* of course. Thanx for sharing.
Posted: Jul 02 2004
Well I'm also happy to see you pushing
things into a new direction- though I can
still tell it's you. Very militant, very
crucial and heavy. My subwoofer needing a
dusting off anyhow.(LOL)
Posted: Jul 07 2004
Remember you can only please some of the
people all of the time. I am some of the
people and I hear and enjoy all you
do.Respect and thanx for sharing.
Posted: Jul 20 2004
MD seems pasionate about current
political events in the world, USA mostly.
Please MD move away from the politics back
to the roots, ie. Jah, love, etc... much
better listening...
Posted: Jul 21 2004
problem: this tune reaction: it's boring
solution: turned it off
Posted: Jul 25 2004
Good works , your ryhtmics song is
beautyful what machine can produce this song
thanks for your tracks