a proverb: "When your mother and father
forsake you, the Good Lord will take
you". And it's true: our Creator loves
us so much that He came down Himself to save
us from the wickedness that we all see
around us.
But unfortunately it is not only the Good
Lord Who will take you.
This world is full of Soulseekers: cult
leaders and self proclaimed
"pastors" who are waiting in line
to deprive people from their freedom and
even their Identity. They invite you to come
to their complex, their "church"
or "temple" or whatever and before
you know it you're a prisoner.
So beware of soulseekers. They come to
you with sleepy sounds that many confuse
with "ambient" or
"mystic". Especially when there is
no foundation (drum and bass) to keep you
awake, you might even end sleeping forever.
The tempo is down, the instrumentation
has lots of strings and even a choir is
present. Usually, that is the kind of vibe
that you hear in the temple of the cult
The difference is, that this track has a
deep bass and a solid drums too. When they
play and the DUB Mixing goes wild, the
sleepy vibe turns into a wake up call.
i know a old proverb also that goes like
this "Do not remove a fly from your
friend's head with a hatchet"'s
not wise to condem people when this person
you speak about say's "Do Not
Judge" How many times will you judge
yourself guilty in your mission to fame and
glory?? 1 love means 1 love for all of
creation, you have good music but your
morals are all fucked up man, Bless instead
of curse, give thanks and not the worst.
Posted: Mar 08 2005
i find it very hard to believe you
actually believe half the stuff you say, it
all seem's very stage prop, like if dub
music started in india you would call
yourself messian buddah...Your Music is
good, it's partially what inspired me to
make dub music, along with everyone else
that's ever inspired me to make music..But
man, oh man,...when i think about your
intentions behind your music and your idea's
of other people's music who might think
outside of your caveman mentality box then
it really makes your good music start to
sound bad and full of agenda's which are
facist and dam near hitler like... dunno
man, i wanted to write a review more kind to
the music but this is what came out
instead.. sorry man
Posted: Mar 08 2005
Yes, David Pablo, that is true. Mikal the
Jack Son, they come with "love love
love" and they want your soul. And in
Neverland, it's body and soul even.
I forgot to link to the cover, which will
probably explain the tune a bit.
It is the well known western picture of
the tower of babylon, with on top of it the
faces of people like the founder of the
"jehoviah witness" and a lot of
other cults.
GFD, Why say sorry about your meditation.
Because my "fucked up morals" are
what drive me as well. How you see my
"morals" , namely as "fucked
up", is then how you see it.
And why not expressing it? Please, don't
say sorry. I like to get critique, when it
comes with argumentation and a willingness
to reason then come mek we reason.
I do not know exactly what you mean by
fucked up morals. But you point out to
"all creation" that needs to get
"one love" which then is a
response to "at least half of what I
write" and you seem to see some
connection with my identity as a dreadlock
and the buddah character.
So I guess that one particular aspect of
my morals which you call fucked up may be
related to the fact that I see Yesus Kristos
as my Saviour.
Then you continue by stating something
which I find quite interesting. What you
describe namely, is exactly what I feel
about so-called Reggae which is only hailing
up George W. Bush and his antichrist babylon
I think music that is hailing up George
W. Bush's New World Order, music that
therefore serves babylon shitstem and the
WAR in Iraq, is not almost like hitler and
fascist, it IS hitler and fascist.
Because you are talking about my comments
in a discussion some visitor of my website
started, because he critisized an artist on
this website for bringing the war in Iraq as
"freedom and justice".
You describe namely, that I have a
"caveman mentality". Do you mean
something like this?
"Christ alone is the Lord of my
life. So when I listen to a reggae song that
praises Rastafari, giving worship to
Selassie, I get convicted. My spirit does
not agree with this. I then have to ask
myself this question: if Shadrach, and his
brothers refused to bow to the false god
when the music played, why would they then
go out and buy a CD full of this same music
and listen to it daily? They wouldn't!"
"But what about Christian Dub
artists? Besides Christafari's one release
(DUB Sound&Power) and the ever enigmatic
Yabby You and Messian Dread, many have
searched long and hard for a true Christian
roots artist that is devoted to DUB 100% of
the time. Search no longer: introducing
Solomon Jabby, AKA "The Dub
"I would ask: "Who is Christ to
you?" "Who is Selassie to
you?" and: "Do you smoke
ganja?" How he answered those questions
would determine whether or no I would label
him a "gospel artist" and add him
to our webstore."
That is the kind of stuff that I would
call a caveman mentality.
That's saying to people to not buy Yabby
You and Messian Dread because they are
"enigmatic" and are of the wrong
Why don't you tell the people who judge
Yabby You and Messian Dread and try to set
us up against another artist (solomon jabby)
against his request socalled because we are
socalled not socalled christian socalled
Other principal applies there for you?
One love for Solomon Jabby and One Love for
Yabby You and Messian Dread?
Try promoting your music with your name
on the forum of the ones who i just quoted.
Go ahead! You can do it under the forum
"other artists and advice", with
the following description:
"So you want to be a Gospel Reggae
Star? Here's the place to find friends, get
advice and share your musical links with
It's also that cult mentality that I
think is wrong.
These quotes are all old, by the way, and
they are from someone I consider to be a
cult leader. Or do you want to defend
television preachers with
One Love, MD
Posted: Mar 08 2005
MD, all i gotta say about it i already
said, i respect the fact that you respect my
rights, i could use a better choice of words
then "fucked up"..but i think that
i got my point across especially with a
response like that. I'm not gonna sit here
and turn your song into a huge debate
platform, if you would ever like to have a
Debate over Your Idea's and Vision of
Rastafari for your Website then email with a
list of Questions and i will answer them all
& send them back with a few questions of
my own..forward
Posted: Mar 08 2005
Great track Bro :)
Posted: Mar 08 2005
I just about have no bloodclaat idea what
anyone is talking about except for the fact
that this track is nice. Wicked snare.
Original bass sound. Tight track Dread.
Posted: Mar 08 2005
Greetings, thanks to all for the
feedback! The music is kind of slow, and
there is a chird progression which is not my
standard progression so to speak. The choir,
which gets a dubwise treatement is ofcourse
a bit making fun, too.
After all, I livicated this track to all
those people who have managed to stay out of
the soulseekers systems, and to those who
have managed to emancipate themselves from
mental slavery.
It's a long story, Ras, and it boils down
the fact I wrote a book about an
organization which wasn't so happy with
One Love, MD
Posted: Mar 10 2005
nice atmosphere
Posted: Mar 10 2005