is the 11th track of my NET ALBUM "Reasonings
in Dub". It will be available at
december 26, 2006
On an album dealing with all kinds of
reasonings and referance to reasonings on
Message Boards, a track about The Great DUB
Debate cannot be absent, obviously.
"Drum And Bass
Make Mi Whine Up Mi Waist"
To DUB or not to DUB, that's the
question. Ah, well, let's be honost, it's
not really a question. Of course we have to
DUB! Because, "to enjoy Reggae Music
Dubbing Is A Must" as Pablo Moses sang.
So we DUB it.
And we Dub it on this Rub a Dub tune with
a very low bass and drums playing a pumping
Two Drop.
Vocals hidden way back in the mix, only
to come forward in reverse. Echo's on the
Drums that go up and down in speed, and even
a Hawaii-style sliding Guitar pops up.